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Just wanted to take a quick moment to say how much I love my job. This is not a new development...for three years I was an intern in the marketing department at Mattress Firm and each year they would send me off, back to Texas Tech where I would eventually obtain my degree in Marketing with a minor in Advertising. It's been over a year since I've been a full-time adult and full-time employee at Mattress Firm and I was just reflecting back on how much I feel like I've grown. I feel inspired and challenged and love where this company is headed. {Insert long rambling rant about the passion I have for where I work}

My point is I'm feeling inspired by a new project and can't wait to gain more experience and share more of my passion with others. I get all giddy and nervous when I even try to write because I feel like I can't even express how much fun life is right now. More to come on new life developments. Feeling super blessed and just wanted to jot it down!

Other things inspiring me today: the gorgeous Houston skyline, the fact that I have a happy hour after work, US Women's Soccer Team (girl power!), calligraphy, travel talk.

Currently listening to: Compass by Zella Day (new find and I'm pumped and jamming at work right now)

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