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Travel Vibes

Venetian Vibes

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

"Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport."

I am excited to continue sharing the deets on my Italian adventures! After departing Milan via train (we booked all our train trips through RailEurope), we had arrived in la bella Venezia (the beautiful Venice)! Trains are awesome for a lot of reasons; you don't have to go through security and you can just hop on and go, you feel like you're on an express to Hogwarts, you have a little downtime to rest up (international travel is tiring!), and you have an AHHHmazing view of the Italy the whole way! Travel Hint:Time from Milan--> Venice via train is about 3 hours.

When we got there, the six of us literally could not keep calm. We stepped out of the train station and instead of being greeted by the hustle and bustle of a city, we were greeted by a picture-esque and peaceful water canal. And instead of cars, you have to catch a water taxi....seriously so cool.

Venice- Travel Blogger
Travel Blogger- Venice

We loaded our luggage onto the water taxi and set sail down the canals towards our hotel.. (Try "Google Mapping" this route...pretty interesting since it's all water!) We stayed at the Generator Hotel. Quick Review: It was 1.) reasonably priced, 2.) has a GREAT view of the city of Venice, 3.) fun, local environment, 4.) awesome bar and cafe inside for quick breakfast, cappuccinos and cocktails. Here are a few pictures!

Travel Blogger- Venice
Venice Travel Blogger
Generator Hotel Venice

Here is the sunset from our room window! How pretty is this?!

After getting checked in, off we went to explore Venice! As soon as we crossed the canal (via water ferry...CAUTION you have to pay for this and we all got fined because we in fact, did not....whoops. In our defense, we didn't ever seen any signs so it really was an honest mistake.



As soon as we stepped off the ferry we spotted a gelateria and we all had to have a taste of the iconic Italian dessert. FYI you will be ruined from all other ice cream after eating gelato. It's THAT good. We would eat gelato just a couple more times on our trip ;)

Venice Travel Blog


You will NO DOUBT get lost. No matter how much preparation you put in or planning you do or maps you have, you will get so incredibly turned around. That is honestly part of the beauty of Venice. The narrow streets and multiple bridges are such a great part of the experience in Venice. The joy is in the journey, so have some patience and enjoy getting a little lost on your way :)

Venice Travel Blog


This is a must-see in Venice! Here you will also find St. Mark's Basillica, which is stunning. Everything in Italy is so historic and ornate.Travel Tip: It rains every day in Venice for only about 15 minutes and then it's done! So definitely bring an umbrella in your suitcase OR buy some on the streets like we did!

Venice- Travel Blog
St. Marks Square- Travel Blog
st. Marks Square- travel blog

St. Marks Square at night is beautiful too!

St. Marks Square Venice- Travel Blog


This one is a little bit depressing...this bridge is what prisoners walked before their death. It was their last sight of Venice. FUN FACT: A local legend says that lovers will be granted eternal love and bliss if they kiss on a gondola at sunset under the Bridge of Sighs as the bells of St Mark's Campanile toll.

Venice- Travel Blogger


Did you even go to Venice if you didn't take a gondola ride?

Gondola- Travel Blog
Gondola Ride- Venice Traevl Blog
Gondola Venice- Travel Blog
venice- travel blog


The oldest bridge in Venice! FUN FACT: There are over 400 bridges in Venice!

Venice To Do - Travel Blog
Venice Travel Blogger


There are lots of places to eat and drink! We definitely did a lot of both. When in Venice..right?

Venice To Do - Travel Blog

There is so much to do and see throughout the canals and streets of Venice! Overall, I hope you get a chance to visit. Beautiful sights, beautiful people, and beautiful friends made for a perfect two days. Next stop in Italy... Cinque Terra!

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes!

Follow me on Instagram for more #TravelVibes

Current Music Vibe: Adele. OMG. Can't get enough & can't wait for her new CD to be out!

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