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Work Vibes

You have as many hours in a day as Beyonce.

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

"I was served lemons, but I made lemonade."

It’s the week of the Beyonce concert in Houston and I am all about Queen B right now, so obvs my #wcw is Bey. She's the ultimate #girlboss and so today on All Kinds of Vibes I’m sharing some Beyonce inspired work vibes and tips on how to be a good employee and co-worker so you can walk into work everyday like this....


I literally love this statement. It really is so motivating and makes me feel more efficient at work and at home. If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed or super busy just remember to channel your inner B and grind it out until the job is done. There’s always enough time if you spend it wisely!


What I love about the song “Flawless” is the confidence she sings about and the self-confidence I feel when I sing it. Work is the best place to exude confidence and feel flawless! Confidence is important to have and shows in the work you produce, the projects you lead, the presentations you give and more. Being totally “flawless” at work or having a “flawless” work environment isn’t always going to happen but waking up and walking into work with a good attitude, smiling, being kind, carrying yourself with poise, and working hard all helps you get a little closer to being F L A W L E S S.


I’m really lucky to work at a company that believes in empowering women and developing female leadHERS in the company through a program called LeadHERship. If Beyonce worked at Mattress Firm, I have no doubt she would be a member… I mean don’t we all know who runs the world? (That’s right, girls.) In all seriousness, I think all companies should have a program like LeadHERship! I’m also blessed to be surrounded by so many smart and confident female role models and friends that constantly teach and inspire me. I’d encourage you get in formation with some of your co-workers and slay with all the powerful, smart working women out there!


This is good stuff… in 2014 Pantene had an ad called “Not Sorry.” It shows a variety of situations in which women say “sorry” and then shows the situations again but without the word “sorry”. Tonya Reiman is the author of “The Power of Body Language” says that “women have more connectivity between the left brain and right brain and because of that we’re more emotional and sensitive to how people are feeling. Therefore we feel like we need to apologize for everything.” She continues with “if women can delete the apology and just go forth with their statement, they’ll come across much more powerful.” There you have it ladies, Beyonce isn’t sorry and we shouldn’t be either.


Well, let’s be honest. Sometimes stuff just hits the fan at work and suddenly you have 99 problems when you only had one. There’s lot of examples I could give, but are they ever the absolute end of the world? Not really. Just stay calm, use your brain, and figure out a solution. In my experience, when I’m either completely lost or have forgotten to do something really important it’s best to just be honest and ask for help. Lemons (problems) don’t just turn into lemonade (positive results) on their own. It takes some sweetness; a recipe and a little work. So just be kind, have a plan and work hard.


Passion is a core value where I work and it’s something I believe is a key to happiness at work. I love when I meet people who find joy in the jobs they do and hope that everyone finds that. I know it’s made such a big difference in my life to be crazy in love with the work I do and the people I work with. And if you’re being served career lemons right now I hope you can find a way to turn it into lemonade.

*Basically me when I walk into work everyday.*

Overall, when in doubt at work just ask yourself, “What would Beyoncé do?”

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes, Beyoncé Edition, and stay tuned for a concert recap next week! Five of my best friends and I are so excited to see her on Saturday!! // xoxo, Megan

Current Music Vibe: Clearly it's everything Beyonce, but this old school one is still one of my faves.

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