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Lifestyle Vibes

Bachelors (maybe) & Best Friends

On Friday Leslie and I ventured out to College Station to see James Taylor and Luke Pell play at The Tap because, why not? Both are currently on JoJo's season of The Bachelorette, but we hope not for long. Wink, wink. It's so weird to see them in person after watching them for weeks on a reality TV show and then see SO many girls just losing their sh*t over them at an average little bar in the middle of College Station. But really they're just regular people who ended up on a show- either by their own choice to show up at a casting call (which no joke we also considered doing in Houston just for funsies) or a friend submitted them. It's just so crazy to think about how much that can change your life so fast! James and Luke are my faves on the show because they come off as so chill and fun and sweet and that's exactly how they were on stage and in person...because we couldn't drive all the way from Houston without getting to say hi of course ;)

I did want to share something James said on stage that basically had me in a puddle on the floor. He was talking about how the most popular question he gets asked since being on the show is "how fake is it when you're out there?" ("there" being the Bachelor house in LA). And he said it's not fake at all, that he made great friends and it was a very real and seemingly normal situation. Then he started to talk about how what's really fake is our dating reality every day. He talked about how everyone just uses these dating apps (I personally don't have anything against them, but I just don't use them) to swipe left (or right? I don't even know which one means you're hot or not) and it's just a constant search for the hottest guy/girl. James went on to say how when he was out there, JoJo is the SMARTEST girl, the PRETTIEST girl and the only one being constantly PURSUED. He said that's what dating and relationships should be like and that's how every girl should feel all the time. So of course he had the whole place swooning, including me.

At the end of the night we finally got to meet Luke and James (insert a million googly-eyed heart emojis) and we were so excited, but in a cool-girl not fan-girl kind of way.

Luke Pell The Bachelorette
The Bachelorette Luke Pell

Overall it was such a fun night and I can't wait to watch the rest of the season! I just love JoJo's outlook on life and love, despite her heartbreaks, and hope she finds her unicorn (in someone other than James and Luke). But not Jordan, because he's shady. Although, I really love his brother Aaron Rodgers so maybe he's a good guy? But I don't like Robby, and that only leaves Alex and Chase who will probably get cut. Ah what's going to happen!? :) Chris Harrison tells me it's going to be THE MOST DRAMATIC ENDING YET. But he's the host who cried drama so only time will tell.

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes and remember not to settle for someone who won't treat you like you're the ONLY girl in the room or who doesn't think you are the smartest or the prettiest now and forever :)

Current Music Vibe: Happiness by Needtobreathe

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