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Lifestyle Vibes

Thoughts On Encouraging Others

Lately I've just needed and really felt grateful when I've received a little extra encouragement and am so grateful to be surrounded by so many people who love to lift other people up. There is really no bad side to a encouraging someone because whether you give a compliment to someone or receive one, it has a positive impact on both people. It feels good to say "you go, girl" and acknowledge when you see a friend, family member or co-worker doing something awesome.The power of encouragement is really amazing and a simple compliment from someone can really make a huge impact in someone's day or life. How many of you DON'T like to hear good things about yourself from others? Well as much as you love to hear it, always remember to give it. Today I just wanted to share a few quotes about encouragement and my thoughts on why it's so important :)

Encouraging Others

Don't hold back when you notice something beautiful in someone! My favorite thing I've seen recently and admired in my friends is confidence and independence. I love that I have such strong, smart, beautiful friends that I'm inspired by and look to for guidance and support. I strive to remind them of that and verbally share with them how much they mean to me and inspire me.

This one can especially apply to work. When I was new in my job there were a few times when I felt insecure or felt like I didn't belong because I didn't have enough experience or I was too young. But I have felt so much support and encouragement from so many people in my company from the very beginning and soon those fears and insecurities disappeared almost completely. Sometimes you believe in yourself a little bit more when others do too. So I love this quote because I think it means that all people should be treated with respect and kindness so you feel like a "somebody". Never forget the power you have to go out of your way to make people feel included and loved.

Find the good in people, notice their strengths and compliment those strengths. Know your weaknesses and don't ever call other people out for theirs.

Encouraging Others

This is my FAVORITE! I LOVE when I spent a little extra time curling my hair, bought a new eyeliner, or have on a new dress and someone calls it out and gives me a compliment. We all do! And I love to do the same to other girls because it's such a great feeling to hear someone else compliment you on something you spent time, money and effort on. The same thing also applies at work. Another quote I love is "we rise by lifting others." I admit I've struggled with this in my career a little bit and it's sometimes difficult to share big projects or cool assignments because you have a point to prove that you can do it alone and rock it solo. But recently I've learned it is so much more fun to bring others up with you and share knowledge and resources. Always remember a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle :)

Empower Women

For a short time at work when I first started I felt a little (okay, a LOT) intimidated by a co-worker that is just a tad higher up than I and they were pretty much the opposite of "encouraging and empowering." I hated it because every. single. other. woman at work made me feel empowered and important. Also, they helped me feel like I could rise and gave me the feeling that I was somebody or had the potential to be somebody. My lesson learned is that not everyone is like that but you just have to ignore that negativity and gravitate towards the positive, encouraging people. Be that person who encourages, compliments and empowers people and people will want to gravitate towards you and your good vibes.

Overall it's important to be the friend, co-worker, family member or even a complete stranger to someone that radiates positivism, shares kindness, gives sincere compliments and inspires others to do the same. SUPPORT people, LIFT other people up, CELEBRATE people, and REMIND those people they are amazing!

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes! xoxo// Megan

Current Music Vibe: Waves

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