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Work Vibes

So, You're In A Funk.

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

"You are stronger than you seem, braver than you believe and smarter than you think."

So if you're in a funk at work and you don't know what's wrong or how to snap out of it, well I feel ya. Lately I've felt like I have been a little down about work and it's honestly SO not me. I am like, Ms. All Things Mattress Firm. I LOVE my job. I'm happy at work and I am so lucky to have a job I really, really enjoy but I think I have been going through a few growing pains and shifts I've never experienced before that have thrown me off a little bit. Over the past month, I started to wonder about my purpose, what my role really is, and how I can grow because at the end of the day, I do want to shine and feel like I'm making a difference. Especially as a YoPro (young professional), there's honestly and unreal desire to do the most and constantly be involved, learning, and growing. I think we've all experienced times where we overthink, over analyze, stress and worry about things we don't have control over. It's easy to get caught up in being filled with so much ambition and willingness to succeed that you actually end up filling yourself with negativity, doubt and drain yourself of confidence you know you have. I think that had a really big impact on my mood and I've spent a lot of time reflecting on ways to get out of the funk and return to my usual self and I wanted to share in case you're in the same place.


Don't waste time comparing yourself to anyone else. Your journey will be different than anyone else's. Stay in your lane, work hard, smile, be kind and never feel inferior to anyone. Not only is comparing yourself to others going to steal your joy, but fill you with doubt and nobody has time for that. You're busy! You have awesome things to accomplish so go forth and be the best YOU that you can be :)


OMG. If i had just chilled and not worried about things out of my control, I would have been so much happier. I love being in the know on everything, but sometimes the best thing you can do is trust that everything will be okay and trust your leadership. No sense in stressing about things that 1. Haven't happened, 2. Might happen or 3. Already happened. So many things I was all hung up on have all literally worked themselves out and I just want to tell you that it's gonna be okay!


If I waited for opportunities to come my way, I would have a totally different career right now. All of the times I said "yes" to things or found new ways to get involved and grow have led me to some awesome projects, challenges and allowed me to develop so many new skills. Don't wait for things to happen or be afraid to ask questions. A curious mind is a good sign you care to know the thought process behind decisions and learn new things. Also, this is especially key if you are in that work funk. The challenge of learning something new will ignite new creativity, spark passion and restore fulfillment.

FUNdamentals OF WORK.

If you're still feeling funky, find ways to have FUN again. An occasional vent session with your work besties is necessary, but balance is key. Don't get sucked into so much negative talk that it eliminates your positive vibes. Think about someone you see at work and their energy just makes you feel so happy and just imagine if we all tried hard to bring that same energy and in turn made another coworkers day?

So my point is that everyone goes through a funk, even people who are stupid in love with their job like yours truly. Work is work and it's not your whole life. Let go of the long days and celebrate the wins (even the little ones). Turn off and relax with your friends or maybe even go to a Mattress Firm store and kick your feet up on a BeautyRest Black Hybrid. Just kidding, but not really it's my fave bed if you were wondering :)

Enjoy your 4th of July and rest up, Wednesday is back to biz!

Thanks for reading All Kinds Of Vibes// Megan

Current Music Vibe --> "Don't Quit" DJ Khaled

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