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Marketing Vibes

Find Something You Care About.

Working for something I don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something I love is called passion.

I'm an avid AdWeek reader (as you'd imagine most marketers are) and love catching up on the latest industry news. A week or so ago, I watched David Droga, founder of the agency Droga5, accept the Lion of St. Mark award at Cannes Lions and his words have really stuck with and inspired me. I wanted to share some of his message because he definitely had awesome perspective on what's important in a career. Check out the video here.

"You are nothing without people who really take you under their wing and make decisions that elevate and prepare you and give you confidence."- David Droga

I have been so impacted by people who've believed in me, affirmed me and made me feel like there are no limits to what I can do. There is something really special about hearing support from the people you look up to most. It fuels my passion and makes me want to work so much harder. Empowering people and helping them achieve their goals can only help your organization. I'm so thankful for all of the people who've given me chances to grow in my career and give me confidence with their encouragement and advice.

(Shoutout to @SG @KF @CL @CZ @KM @JF)

“Wanting something—wanting a career, or wanting to make something—doesn’t really mean much. It’s about finding something you care about. Because caring is the only thing that really matters. I would put down everything in my career to the fact that I cared—about what I do, who I work with, what I make. Caring makes you want to work harder. People can’t pay you to care. People can’t teach you to care. But when you find something that you care about, you give it everything you’ve got. You never settle. And you are always pushing to learn and be better and support those around you. All I’ve tried to do in my career is care.”- David Droga

This is something I've always felt especially passionate about and really related to. I work in marketing and the main part of the gig is driving traffic, increasing sales, measuring know, numbers n' stuff. But a person isn't a number and people and families and graduates and newlyweds and new parents and singles are who buy the products I sell. If we don't care about all of those people, whether it's our customers or employees, then we fail. I recently read an article about company mission statements and research actually shows that companies who put people and emotion first succeed more often than companies who put the bottom line at the top of the goal list. Maybe I'm crazy about my outlook on work, but my heart really is in my job (in a healthy way, I swear). It's not about how glamorous your job is or where you work, you really can find joy and purpose anywhere. Don't get hung up in wanting to move up the ladder the fastest or wanting to make more money- be rich with passion and find ways to care about the work you do now and the people you work with.

Hope you have a great week finding things you really care about :)

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes // Megan

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