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Marketing Vibes


Updated: Jan 6, 2020

Your calendar is stacked. Your to-do list is HUGE. You're on the verge of a mini-meltdown because you're low key stressed. BUT, a new project comes along and you're asked to help out sooooo, what do you say? YES. And sure, you know you're already a little (okay, a LOT) stretched but you're a Yo-Pro (young professional). You have something to prove and you want to be involved so saying "yes" is a no-brainer.

FYI for every manager/ director/ supervisor/ executive out there...keep an eye out for the "yes" peeps. They crave knowledge and will move heaven and earth to do their absolute best on any assignment you task them with. We thrive on opportunities and responsibility. So let us take on more, have a voice in strategy and help us understand the why behind things.

Here are a few things you learn by being a "YES" girl/guy:

1. You learn to prioritize.

So that "to-do" list I mentioned earlier suddenly becomes vital to success. You 100% have to have your sh*t together to achieve your goals and meet your deadlines. One thing you do NOT want to do is over-commit and under-deliver. I am 100% guilty of this and you probably are too, but if you're like me, you learned from those times you didn't meet a deadline and worked your tush off to make sure it didn't happen again.

2. You can ask questions.

So... you said "yes" to a new assignment. Well guess what? No one expects you to know exactly what to do. Take advantage of this time to ask questions and learn from people who're above you. Don't EVER feel dumb for asking for clarification or guidance. Trust me, it's better to just ask than worry about doing it right. Whoever asked you to take on said task is grateful they're able to hand it off and most likely willing to help you succeed and do the best you can.

3. You can fail.

Eeeek. The word "fail" is hella scary, right?! It's cool, I've failed. I'm cool with that and you know why? I feel like I've learned more during the times when I've done something that didn't meet expectations and had the chance to learn from it. You're still a total bada$$. You took a chance and tried and so you can go ahead and pat yo'self on the back.

4. You strengthen your confidence.

Wahoo! You made it through the day and killed it, despite a million things on your plate. I also believe in striving to be humble and grateful. Sometimes it's cool to keep these little wins (or even big wins) to yourself. At the end of the day you should only say "yes" to things because YOU crave the challenge and want to prove to yourself you can do it. Do not say "yes" to impress others. Say "yes" because you want to grow and learn and be the very best person at work you can be.

Cheers to being busy AF and doing the most at work. It's rewarding and fun and challenging and the best and only thing you can do is your very best.

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes// Megan

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