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Marketing Vibes

New Year, New Me(gan)

Like many people, I've recently spent time creating some new resolutions and goals for 2018. Last year was incredible and filled with so many awesome memories, but I feel like this year is going to be a special year for many reasons. In fact, I actually have something on the horizon that I'm extra excited for and wanted to share. This month, I'll be adding "Masters Meg" to my personal brand portfolio :) That's right, I am officially starting my MBA at the University of Houston Downtown in just a few days and I cannot wait to be a grad student. It's always been a goal of mine and I'm so glad I decided to just go for it and make it happen.

Because Legally Blonde is a movie and no one can have the flawless life of Elle Woods, I have to say I am a little bit nervous about how it will be balancing work, grad school, working out, and a social life with ease. The 4 things that I've decided will help me be successful with doing so are:

PLANNING : The old saying goes "a failure to plan is a plan to fail" and that couldn't ring a louder truth. To do it all, you've got to have a plan. So I have no doubt that with a little preppin' and plannin' and following through on my commitments, I can achieve a great work/life balance.

Patience : This is something I work on daily and often get overwhelmed if I'm juggling a lot and over commit myself. Sometimes you just have to slow down and the best you can do is your best on one thing at a time. Also, it's not just about being patient with others but being patient with yourself. I saw this meme recently that said "To protect your's okay to cancel a commitment, it's okay to change your mind, it's okay to want to be alone, it's okay to take a day off, and it's okay to do nothing." It is really what I needed to be reminded of and actually listen to.

PRACTICE : No one is good at anything right away. For example, I couldn't even figure out how to register for my first grad to a swell start, right? I also probably won't be killing it in Corporate Finance right away either, but I know with a little practice, hustle and hard work I'll be an A student in no time. Consistency is key and if you work at something long enough with enough grit and determination, everything always works out.

Passion : I wake up everyday excited to go to work and I say it every time, but it's no secret I love my job and love what I do. I put a lot of effort into the work I do because I'm passionate about the success of events and the success of the company. I chose to pursue my MBA to continue to grow and learn and contribute in new ways and share my passion with others.

No matter what your resolutions are or how you plan to achieve them, here's one of my favorite Steve Jobs quotes that I love to be reminded of and want to remind you of- "Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

So here's to fearlessly chasing what you love, following your heart and doing what you want to do. With all of this in mind, I'm looking forward to making 2018 my best year yet and wishing you all the same energy and good vibes.

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes // Megan

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