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Work Vibes

Filled With Pride

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

Do you ever do something at work that you're legit so proud of? And you finish and think, "dang, I'm proud of myself. That was hard and I killed it." It's always a great feeling to see your work improve. I'm coming up on 4 years (whoa) at my job and I love reflecting back on things I've learned over the last few years or few months, even. It's the coolest thing when you notice yourself learning new skills and becoming better at your job. I recently worked on a big project at work that I really had to roll up my sleeves for and put a ton of effort into. When the finished product was all done, I literally sent a Snapchat to my friends to show it off because I was so excited about it. I even brought it home to show my parents on Super Bowl Sunday as if I was 5 years old bringing my artwork home to hang on the fridge. It really wasn't that grand, but it was a project I pushed myself to make perfect and went above and beyond on. It's motivating to see hard work come to life and even if you're the only person who sees it, that's okay. The only person you should work the hardest to make proud is yourself.

If you ever get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the day to day and wonder what difference you're making or how you're making an impact, it's probably a good time to stop and admire what a badass you are. Make a list of things you feel proud about like going to the gym, finishing your laundry, reading a book, remembering to get gas, etc. And if you think something is too small to be proud of, take a look at this-

I saw this picture recently with a caption that said "a little book makes a big impact" and thought the visual was really great. Sometimes, little things you think are little, actually make a big difference. Never stop celebrating the little wins and being proud of what you do every day.

Be kind to yourself, be proud of yourself and surround yourself with people you're proud to be with and who are proud of you.

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes // Megan

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