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Work Vibes

Four Snore and Seven Years Ago.

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

Seven years ago I began my journey with Mattress Firm as an intern in the marketing department and yesterday, I celebrated my four year anniversary! It's crazy how fast time has gone and how much I've grown and learned in the last year. As I reflect on some of my favorite memories and experiences, I wanted to share a few tips on what makes me feel successful and happy at work.

1. Do what you say you'll do, and then some.

If you commit to something, even the littlest thing, always follow through. Other people rely on you when you say you'll complete a task and you can lose trust and respect quickly if you let your commitments slip. The "and then some" just means I like to find ways to make what I do even better when I can. It's not for public affirmation or recognition, but for my own personal satisfaction for a job well done. Going the extra mile, however, often does not go unnoticed and is always appreciated by someone and one day, it's going to be just the right person at the right time.

2. Find a way to be a bridge.

I think about this a lot when I think about my career path at Mattress Firm. Some of the coolest parts of my job have come from my ability to reach out, connect and communicate with cross-functional teams and "bridge" us together. A good "bridge builder" is great at learning about what people do within the company. You never know when you need a pal to help on an assignment or help provide insight. I've got friends in almost every department and truly love hearing about what they do while also keeping an ear out for skills they have that I could potentially use as a resource one day.

3. Gossip is not a bonding tool.

Gossiping or talking bad about other people will never help you succeed. It's sometimes tempting to participate and might make you feel like you're bonding with co-workers who share the same sentiments, but you really aren't and shouldn't want to associate with people who spread negativity. In my circle, we fix each other's crowns and I'm surrounded by some of the most inspirational work squad. Be someone who lifts others up and spreads kindness and you'll go far. Work is more fun when you're someone who's fun to be around.

4. Be on time, be prepared, be present and be positive.

These four are all pretty straightforward. Showing up on time means you're being respectful of people's time. Do your best to always prepare for meetings to improve efficiency. Pay attention to what people are saying and stay off the 'gram while you're working. Unless you're 'gramming about work (which I often do b/c sometimes my job is super cool). And every day, bring your brightest smile and enthusiasm to work. Being positive is an admirable trait people notice and want to be around.

There's so much more I could add and I have lots to learn and improve on as well, but I'm loving the journey. And I'm so thankful for everyone who supports me and encourages me- you're more inspiring and appreciated than you know!

Here's a look at some of my favorite memz in Year Four!

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes// Mattress Meg

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