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Marketing Vibes

Team Vibes

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

You know how in "Remember The Titans" the Titans team goes off to camp and they come back feeling all the feels? They're seemingly a solid, united group that works together and respects each other... however, almost the second they're back in the real world, things fall apart fast. It doesn't take long for the team captains to call a meeting and basically call everyone out for forgetting what they learned at camp and forgetting how to be a team.

Why is this so common? Why do we all so easily forget what the benefits of really operating as a team bring? There are enough challenges in the world of business we receive from external forces. So, how can a company succeed when there are internal forces working against each other?

And who can solve them?

I was thinking about the Titans football team and how they rally and join together for the rest of the season, which ultimately leads them to a championship. Every company, like every football team, strives to be victorious in this way.

When I think of the "team vibes" I'm currently experiencing, they're similar to a post-camp vibe where we're somewhat working against and not always with each other. Booooooo. However, I'm encouraged knowing there are so many "team captains" that actually are striving to work together, selflessly and sacrificially in an effort to do what's best for the biz, despite us all having different "coaches."

Earlier I asked the question of who can solve the internal struggles we sometimes face, and I think the answer is YOU DO. Or better yet, I DO. And ultimately WE ALL DO. It's like in Space Jam (I'm really on a sports movie theme), when the Tune Squad is down at the half against the Monstars and Bugs Bunny give the whole team a drink of "Michael's Secret Stuff." Suddenly the whole team is fired up and ready to win when in reality, it was only water. My point is that maybe there's no magical, secret formula to improving a team or up to one person to fix it. It's just our attitude and desire to actually be a team.

Additionally, some things I try to remember are:


Aretha said it AND she sang it. Simply respect peoples boundaries, peoples roles and ultimately, all people. Do the right thing the best you can and BOOM your team is already going to be vibing better.


Everyone has a lot on their plate. Everyone has their own boss, deadlines, to-do's, and more. It important to speak kindly to people because you never know what their situation is like and what a kind encounter could mean to them. Also, it's key to give a little grace when you've been accidentally left off an email, someone missed a deadline, etc. Life happens and we're all humans. And because we're human, we need and deserve some forgiveness. Don't hold grudges and remember, it's just a job.

Here's to making every team a better team and a winning team.

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes // Megan

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