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Work Vibes

How To Rise at Work

Something that's been a common conversation among my friends and coworkers lately is how to grow at work. Maybe you're in the same spot where you feel like you've put in a ton of effort in your current role and are wondering, "what's next? When am I going to get promoted?" There is a stigma that all young professionals want is to get promoted and make more money, and...DUH, who doesn't?! However, you have to EARN it.

To start, one piece of advice I'd offer for the journey is not to compare your path to anyone else's. It is OKAY to be in different spot than someone else. I see people spend a lot of time and mental energy worrying about this person and that person and so-and-so on that other team and you just really should not care. Spend that energy and time working on yourself and your own goals. Here are a few quotes I love to keep in mind:

Don't let your ice cream melt while you're counting someone else's sprinkles.
Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.
Life is not a race. You don't start in the same position and everyone isn't going in the same direction. You have your own space, your own pace and your own place you want to get to.

Second, getting a promotion or growing at work is kind of like taking a spin class (or insert whatever workout you like to do). There are times when it's really hard and you're dying, but the instructor yells out "add more resistance! Keep pushing!" Just when you *think* you're doing everything you can...guess what? You have to add a little more. You have to push yourself just a little bit or sometimes a lot further. You have to earn it. Nothing is ever given in life, so just think about what you can do to "add more resistance." It's how our muscles, our minds and our careers grow.

Figure out what you can bring to the table....then execute your vision of that idea, even if no one asks you to do so. -Alex Ott
Always be thinking about how you can show up and provide value. -Ellen Coute

The other part of learning how to grow at work is that sometimes, you have to clap for yourself and make yourself proud. Your work should not solely rely on the praise of others. Mainly because people let you down and you can't quit because someone doesn't give you a gold star, tell you "good job" and give you constant credit for your ideas or projects.

Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn't give you credit.
Your life isn't yours if you always care what others think.
Focus on making yourself better, not on thinking that you are better.
Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity- not a threat. Steve Jobs

Lastly, you don't have to be a manager or supervisor to lead others. Everyone is capable of exuding leadership, regardless of titles, in my opinion. Being supportive is something that's personally important to me. Outside of the hustle and passion you insert in your work, one of the signs you might be ready for a promotion is when you act with selflessness.

Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.
Good people bring out the good in other people.
Your circle should want you to win. Your circle should clap the loudest when you have good news. If they don't, get a new circle.
We rise by lifting others.
"I wish more women realized that helping another woman win, cheering her on, praying for her, or sharing a resource with her, does not take away from the blessings coming to them. In fact, the most you give, the more you receive. Empowering women doesn't come from selfishness, but rather from selflessness." -Selene Kinder
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

Ultimately, there is no perfect route to getting ahead at work. It's like playing chess, you have to work the long game and every situation and company will be different. All you can do is bring it every damn day, ask for more work, do the work without asking, be a kind person, don't envy others, don't assume you deserve anything, take every opportunity you can, create your own opportunities, be patient, be graceful and be grateful for what you have in the moment. I hope all of you #girlbosses get everything you EARN and more!

Thanks for reading All Kinds of Vibes // Megan

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